Why is Cancer man ignoring me?
What to do when a Cancer man suddenly withdraws from me?
Cancerian male acting distant is what you may find very familiar, especially if you are in a relationship with a Cancer.
Due to his personality traits, this guy is super sensitive and shy.
He often wears on a protective shell and shows up with an aloof appearance. How open he is depends mainly on his trusting levels toward others.
See also: When a Cancer man is done with you…
With a great big heart, it’s hard to deal with rejection as well as any kind of situation that could hurt his feelings.
So if he becomes nonchalant, there must be some reasons behind.
In the article ?Cancer Man Ignoring Me’, I’m going to discuss about your partner’s behavior in love relationships and tips to handle his disappearing acts.
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When a Cancer Man Ignores You?
Keep in mind that Cancer man cannot cope with confrontation well.
Therefore, the moment he’s ignoring you, the first reason is probably because you have said or done something that upset him. He won’t let you know; instead, he tends to stay quiet for awhile but it will not last for a long term.
He is not the type that will give you the cold shoulder forever. But if you don’t find a solution for this issue, misunderstandings will arise between you and him more and more.
This man will open up and even share his emotions when he completely feels comfortable with you.
Nonetheless, there are times when he may throw a fit in protest to whatever making him upset about rather than icing you out. In the situation for him to ignore you, then what you did to him would probably be over the line.
In case you have a crush on him initially but he has no idea and acts distant towards you, then don’t mind finding a way to let him know. Cancer men are sometimes dense in recognize a woman’s feelings.
He really needs a sign to make sure whether or not you want him.
What to Do If a Cancer Man Ignores You?
If you want to date a Cancer male, then you need to be optimistic.
As a person with Cancer soul, he often brings what called ?Cancer man disappearing act‘ on the surface. Very sensitive and unable to handle criticism, he easily gets unsatisfied and disappointed if being reproached.
For a long-term relationship with this guy, you need to know how to love him the right way. The Cancerian man enjoys being pampered a lot as well as sweet conversations; also give him sincere and nice complements.
The truth is: he will get back to you later if he’s truly into you.
Below, I’ve offered a list of tips to handle a Cancer man gone quiet:
- Take the initiative in making phone calls, sending emails and planning a date rather than waiting for your Cancer man. Don’t expect him to set the first move as he prefers the passive role in a relationship.
- Honestly express your feelings frequently and sincerely toward him, even if you are sensing anxious and fear deep inside. Emotional and sensitive, he appreciates topics related to feelings. Be more open to him and the emotional level between you two will grow stronger.
- Give him sentimental gifts because this guy needs the reassurance from you. Remember to make him feel loved and treasured most of the time. He really appreciates gifts that you prepare with fully meaningful devotion.
So rather than waiting your Cancer man to reply or return with a normal treatment, you should be the one take the first move and look up for things to do to heal your relationship with him.
What Does He Think When Ignoring You?
1. He is stressful and not want to tell anyone
Cancer man may not a person of drama, but he tends to run or hide when a major stress occurring in his life.
Or, what you are doing to him provides him no safety and security ? 2 important elements in a relationship with a Crab. Put it simply, understanding this man well is a need, since you have to make him feel secure before requiring him to care for you.
A Cancer may become stressful due to a number of reasons.
- Suddenly losing his job
- Having problems with his family members
- Failing his exams or failing to get a job
- Feeling pressured with his current relationships
As much as you want your Cancer man to be honest with you, then be real to him.
2. He is not aware of his ignoring act
As I told you above, Cancer man is reserved and tends to stay in his own shell. Therefore, maybe it’s just because he is not interested in talking. Sometimes, he is not even aware that he’s ignoring you.
Don’t jump to the conclusion quickly!
He rarely communicates with you doesn’t mean he does not love you anymore.
Whenever you notice a drastic change in his attitude with you, please give him his private space to think about everything (his current thoughts, his feelings to you, etc.) rather than forcing him to explain.
3. He is afraid of calling you due to his own insecurity
His fragile ego is the main reason making him unable to accept the idea of showing his vulnerable side to his loved one in any shape of form.
Most Cancer men are insecure yet they will never admit they’re insecure.
Your Cancer craves for a relationship that can provide him both safety and security. He doesn’t like getting involved in situations that could threaten him or put him in harmful ways. That’s why he is likely to avoid any conflict.
Even if he really likes you, he will try to not be the one taking the initiative.
Final Thoughts
Unexpectedly, a Cancer man is a tenacious and strong-willed person.
Don’t get worried too much when he acts distant. Simply give him time to arrange everything in his mind and do your own stuff.
So if you want to have your Cancer man for keeps, you are advised to give him a peaceful and comfortable relationship. Importantly, always show up whenever he needs you. Love him with sincere and honesty and you can be sure to obtain the most fulfilling of relationships.
What do you think about the topic Cancer man ignoring me?
Tell us your opinions below!
Yes this is so true. I am dating a cancer and I have dated one before him. I am also a cancer lady. And I know this is totally true about them. Its difficult dealing with a cancer man except u have some kind of divine understanding that helps you. He disappears and u act emotional and ur relationship is over. So the best advice is… Wen he acts that way, dont react. Give him space while still showing him you care. He will definitely be back.
Absolutely right!
Thanks for your advice, Glorysunshine!
I’m seeing a cancer man for two months. No matter how much I feel comfortable when I’m with him, but his act of ignorant is just so turn off. I couldn’t not to relate it to being immature. Irregardless what horoscope you are, stop communication all of sudden is rude and no respect to the relationship itself.
Hi dear,
I must agree that it’s quite difficult to be in a relationship with a Cancer man because he is extremely moody.
When things are good, they are sweet, affectionate, loving, caring, attentive, protective, willing people, they are a great listeners, great providers, and also sensitive
When things are bad, they are moody, disrespectful, wishy washy, stubborn, ignorant men you will ever come across, they can be overly sensitive, and extremely rude
Hope you understand!
It’s been 5 days since I’ve last spoken to him and he’s always on Facebook but I just read this took advice express my feelings for him because I don’t think he knows I want to keep this going with him. We connect so well he’s so perfect to me.
Hi dear,
I’m so glad the article here works perfectly for your relationship with a Cancer man.
Why it is so true. Im currently having the same issues luckly i google this. I really love him but his act is to confusing for me. He is my first love I’m going to try my best in winning him again. I don’t want to lose him just like that. It is almost one year i had known him. Really a difficult one but I manage to handle the pain. Thank you.
Hello Dye,
It’s great to know that the information here can somewhat help you understand your Cancer man better. I wish you all the best in winning his heart back, but you must better provide him space whenever he needs it and do not make him feel being forced.
Good luck!
Hi there so im an aquarius star sign nd the man i like he is cancerian we met on trip when returning home he showed intrest im me so did i got his number msgd him we strtd talking frst day itslf he said he likes me nd wants to date me he liked me taking the first move next day was fine too then suddenly he strtd getting busier less of textinh less of call when askd he said he has an event comin up in goa all this happnd in a week one day when he askd out i said yes ill b ur gf we planned to meet aftr hes bck frm wrk since the day hes gone to goa no calls he sees my txt but no rply sunday was his bday no reply to calls or txts tday whn i called no reply right away he was active on wattsapp i dnt knw wats hapeninh wat to do ????
He may just not feel safe expressing his authentic true feelings — at least consistently. Maybe he’s afraid you’re too good for him and emotional manipulation by way of withholding is the only way he can retain control … there are a lot of plausible reasons. I think you should approach him with courage and ask for more honest conversations about the state of the relationship and how your needs simply aren’t being met.
I?m a Gemini woman and I?m in the early stages of getting to know a cancer man. He?s so confusing. I asked him twice just to make sure he?s interested and he told me both times he was. But he?s so distant and bearly texts me. I have to be the one to initiate the conversation. When I text him and I ask him questions. He only answers one of the questions and his answers and short and sweet. I?m just not sure if he?s string me along or is actually interested but doesn?t like texting. He?s confusing ?????
Dear Asia,
He definitely likes you but likes taking things slow so do we. Just give him space and maybe try texting in a day or two but don’t wait too long or he’ll think like “what,she hasn’t texted me today?. Don’t worry about his moodiness – most cancer guys tend to feel a billion emotions within 24hr. period, so it has nothing to do with you. He does get bored sometimes but it doesn’t mean he doesn’t want to be in contact with you cause eventually he will miss you trust me. Well just be patient with him and his mood swings!
I accidentally acted emotional when my cancer was distant and now I think I may have ruined the friendship/relationship between us? Is there anyway to repair it?
Hi dear,
Cancer guys are just very sensitive. It can be a beautiful thing though, because they actually consider your feelings. They may in fact just stop talking to you all together if you hurt them bad enough, or if they think that is best for them. It’s best to apologize and say that you are sorry that you hurt them even if it wasn’t your fault.
Good luck!